Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe

Project PI, UB Team Leader

Coastal systems, paleo-environments, geomorphology, geochronology

Florin Tătui

Senior researcher

Coastline mobility, erosion and flooding, protection measures

Luminița Preoteasa

Senior Researcher

Beach-dune interactions, paleo-geomorphology, geoarchaeology

Cristian Panaiotu


Sedimentology, geochemestry, rocks palaeo-magnetism

Diana Hanganu

Senior Researcher

Pollen analysis, palaeoecological reconstruction

Mihai Micu

Senior Researcher

Mass movements, deep-seated landslides, hazard assessment, Curvature Carpathians

Răzvan Popescu

Teaching assistant

Mountain permafrost, periglacial and glacial landforms, geochronology

Mirela Vasile

Young Researcher

Weathering, periglacial landforms, mountain permafrost, slope dynamics

Florin Zăinescu

Post-doc researcher

Coastal and deltaic numerical modelling, coastal storms

Laurențiu Țuțuianu

PhD Student

Sedimentology, grain-size analysis, coring and drilling, fluvial palaeo-geomorphology

Mădălina Popa

Project management

Administrative and financial responsible, coastal risks assessment

Mihaela Dobre

PhD Student, Project visibility

Paleo-environmental reconstructions, project visibility responsible

Daniel Ivanov

Technical staff

Coring, bathymetry

Alex Berbecariu

BsC Student

Remote sensing, GIS, climate change

Bogdan Stan

BsC Student

Sedimentology, coring

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