Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe
Project PI, UB Team LeaderCoastal systems, paleo-environments, geomorphology, geochronology

Florin Tătui
Senior researcherCoastline mobility, erosion and flooding, protection measures

Luminița Preoteasa
Senior ResearcherBeach-dune interactions, paleo-geomorphology, geoarchaeology

Cristian Panaiotu
ProffessorSedimentology, geochemestry, rocks palaeo-magnetism

Diana Hanganu
Senior ResearcherPollen analysis, palaeoecological reconstruction

Mihai Micu
Senior ResearcherMass movements, deep-seated landslides, hazard assessment, Curvature Carpathians

Răzvan Popescu
Teaching assistantMountain permafrost, periglacial and glacial landforms, geochronology

Mirela Vasile
Young ResearcherWeathering, periglacial landforms, mountain permafrost, slope dynamics

Florin Zăinescu
Post-doc researcherCoastal and deltaic numerical modelling, coastal storms

Laurențiu Țuțuianu
PhD StudentSedimentology, grain-size analysis, coring and drilling, fluvial palaeo-geomorphology

Mădălina Popa
Project managementAdministrative and financial responsible, coastal risks assessment

Mihaela Dobre
PhD Student, Project visibilityPaleo-environmental reconstructions, project visibility responsible

Daniel Ivanov
Technical staffCoring, bathymetry

Alex Berbecariu
BsC StudentRemote sensing, GIS, climate change

Bogdan Stan
BsC StudentSedimentology, coring