Field campaign remote sensing & meteo station
A common field campaign was organized from September 27 to October 4, with the participation of UB, UiO and WUT members of the project. The purpose was repeating remote sensing measurements for landforms dynamics monitoring initiated last year (UAV and TLS surveys) in Făgăraș mountains site (Doamnei cirque) and over the monitored landslides in Curvature Carpathians (Siriu dam). Additional two sites were surveyed in the landslides study area, one of which by airborne LiDAR with the involvment of UB student Florin Miron. The second purpose of the campaign was setting up an automatic meteo station in the alpine area, for monitoring local conditions in a site long-term monitored for permafrost thermal regime. A Campbell Scientific meteo station was successfully installed and secured on the western flank of the cirque, all sensors being setup and running. We highly appreciate the support and implication of our provider, Mr. Vasile Turcu. WUT students Otti, Romi and George are warmly thanked for help in the field!